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Samadhi Review - Zigzagpress Business Theme | WORTH ?

Samadhi Zigzagpress : Genesis Business/Magazine Theme

Samadhi is a WordPress child theme for yoga studios, fitness trainers and all creative business agencies. This theme is supported by genesis framework and released from Zigzagpress team. If you want to see what this theme can do for you them simply check the homepage default layout and all other demo versions. You will easily figure-out that it has potential to support all business needs from fitness to service provider industry.

Samadhi Genesis WordPress Theme - Zigzagpress

The name reveals that it is released for fitness professionals and training institutes related to the same niche. So, any one who wants to get more client’s for yoga, gym, health or other services can go for it. It has options to show work, price plans, membership list, team members and everything required for a business website.

Sneak Theme Review – Zigzagpress

Why Samadhi Genesis Child Theme ?

Creative Homepage : Why would yo want to follow the same design like your competitors ? or the same one provided in default mode ?. Well, you have options to control home sections with drag and drop homepage layout. Just pick genesis widest and list of short-codes to show team, price table, call to action, slider, latest shop items, contacts and all stuff in homepage.

Frontpage is mainly used to share best stuff, services and introduction. But, this type of modern business website can easily add many extra sections to show everything from top services to latest posts. You can choose what your homepage will highlight from top to bottom. Content section order can be changed as per requirements which is suitable for any business.

This type of homepage can be used to create engaging homepage that shows testimonials, latset offers, special courses, newsletter sign-up box, team members skills list and more. If you want to expand your business across all directions with low promotion budget then you need a professional website with SEO friendly layout. Hence, when you publish a post or page on your site then it is easily found by people while searching for your keyword or service on search engines.

Magazine Style Homepage : Apart from starting a business portal, you can also turn your site into a magazine, or news portal. Samadhi WordPress theme delivers a nice homepage style layout which can featured news from different categories. Hence, writers can share information on health, and wellness using journal type layout.

Magazine Style Homepage - Samadhi Child Theme

ZigzagPress Start Theme Review

Zigzagpress Genesis Yoga Theme : Zigzagpress

Slide-In Menu : Click the hamburger style button from the left top corner and see all menu links on your screen. The navigation bar is hidden in default mode so user can only see logo in header area. But, button style menu will load all menu links on the left of the screen with slide-in navigation panel. User can click close button to hide menu bar when not required.

The header section middle space shows logo along with custom slogan tag-line which can present brand with unique text. And right side space is there for you to share a search box to find contents on website. The demo shows header in standard mode but you can set it in floating style if required.

Header Slide-In Menu - Samadhi Theme

Portfolio : Show your workout photos or training session using portfolio system. You can have portfolio page with custom masonry grid layout with upto 4 columns. The portfolio can show filter links from categories used to list projects. The custom portfolio post type and flexible showcase board can display all your work samples or past client’s work or product list.

Portfolio - Samadhi Theme

Blog : Samadhi genesis child theme is known as versatile theme used for business and blogging needs. The blog section can display latest posts with list view style using single columns, or you can use masonry grid with “Ajax Load More” pagination button. The blog section uses full-width space to display contents but you can use sidebar with single posts or for other pages.

Thanks to the Zigzagpress for developing versatile genesis child theme for WordPress CMS so that all user types can easily start their business portal. If you known WordPress basic and use this child theme with genesis framework then there is no need to hire programmer or learn coding work.

Grid Blog - Samadhi Zigzagpress

Benefits Of Samadhi Business WordPress Theme :

Shop :The reason why we love this theme is versatile layout, we talked about business, portfolio and blog support. But one feature is still left and that is WooCommerce plugin support. You can install this single plugin to setup a store to sell goods, subscription, membership plans or anything. Many creative agencies and fitness trainers sell shoes, t-shirts, books, and other stuff from their website to make extra income.

Widgets : Let your website be more creative by showing widgets in footer and sidebar. If you enable sidebar from page layouts options then you can show custom sidebar for blog, shop, and other sections. Footer section has wide space with multiple columns layout so you can share contacts, social links, product/blog categories and other stuff.

Responsive : Let your visitors check portfolio list, shop items, blog posts and everything from mobiles. The responsive web design concept makes this genesis theme work faster on majority of screen types. You can check menu bar, home blocks, portfolio grid and everything from tablet, smart phone and every device. Thanks to Samadhi for offering modern responsive and SEO friendly layout.

Theme Options : Last but not least, you will be thinking that it needs programmers help to start business site like this. But that’s wrong, there are bunch of ready theme options integrated with WordPress customizer. So, user can manage header layout, front widgets, blog, shop, portfolio, and every page. The color selector, font customizer and background styling options will optimize entire look for your website.

Zigzagpress – Samadhi Theme : Click for Demo & Price